Why web hosting is important?
Within the criterion of evaluation of websites is the geographical location, the efficiency in downloading the web content and the quality of the content. These factors can be influenced by the type of hosting that is selected for web pages. That is why you must review certain characteristics of the hosting companies to ensure that these criteria are not affected when consolidating your results in search engines of your site on the Internet.
Features of Web Hosting:
A web host is part of the indispensable component together with the domain name to create an online web page. Any of your hosting plans, whether shared hosting, reseller hosting, VPS or dedicated servers have the best combination of security and performance necessary to ensure that your website will have the highest quality offered.
Technical support
Technical support is a fundamental part of hosting if you think it is not necessary; imagine how you could solve technical problems on the server-side without technical help that can give you the help you need. Some hosting companies offer the service outside the plan and usually charge their customers per hour, and some trusted hosting providers offer the service included in any hosting plan 24 hours a day, this is one of the most important aspects of any plan hosting and the most striking feature and even more if you do not have the necessary technical experience to solve the technical problems that arise.
SSD drives for higher performance
SSD disks are known to be 6 times faster than conventional disks. Among its advantages is that you can see a higher loading performance of all your sites thus reducing the response time. Unlike HDD discs that are a bit cheaper but do not guarantee good server performance, SSD discs have a lot to do with the proper optimization you want for your site, that is, if you are looking for a hosting that helps to improve the performance of your website you must hire a hosting with SSD for your website.

Backups or remote backups are part of the characteristics of web hosting. If you have a website or several websites on the same server or service you must periodically make backup copies of your files.

SSL certificates
These certificates are usually included in cPanel and are part of your domain name. Previously it was very common to see sites using the HTTP protocol, but Google has long been notifying the importance of implementing the SSL certificate in almost all websites. These types of protocols are important if you manage an online business website where transactions are made and require the protection of your customers' bank details. Hosting plans include the SSL protocol without installing it from cPanel so if you want to get a hosting with SSL you already know that you should not worry about this feature.
Disk storage space
Each storage space is different depending on the hosting plan and the type of service you choose, for example. Basic or shared hosting has an average quota of 1GB of capacity, VPS hosting guarantees between 50 and 200 GB of space and the dedicated hosting up to more than 1TB of storage, the amount of space will depend on the size of your project and everything you need to host on your server.
Why need hosting or web hosting?
Netherlands hosting or web hosting, are the terms used to refer to the platform that supports the content of your website. When you decide to create a web page, it is done by programming code that is stored in a file. So that another person can see these files (they are read through a browser, Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc); these must be on the internet but … where? These files are hosted on web servers. A web server is nothing other than a computer but with different characteristics from your home. It has a large storage capacity, security tools, and the most important thing is always on.
When you set up a website, what you are doing is renting a small physical space from that server to have your files always accessible. However, not all companies offering accommodation are the same. In addition to the price, there are many factors to take into account such as the space you have hired, the technologies that support that space (it is not the same to set up a simple website with only text, or one with photos, chats, animations, etc.) , or the technical service.
One thing that people do not usually consider when hiring a hosting is its configuration. It is a task that usually falls to you. A dealership will sell you a car, but those in charge of driving and maintaining it will be you. The same thing happens on the web. Therefore, if you do not have the necessary technical knowledge, it will be time to hire a professional to take care of the task.
What should you take into account when choosing a hosting?
Among the most important factors that you should consider when selecting a hosting are:
Response time
- The faster the download speeds, the better the search engine positioning. An overloaded server, for example, one that hosts many websites, will have a much slower response time. It is advisable to check if the company offering the hosting service discloses the number of sites per server or if it offers information about the configuration of its servers about the speed of response. Many tools allow you to measure the response time of the companies that offer the hosting service. Also, using Windows it is possible to test the response speed using command lines such as ping.
Server Reliability
- A stable server keeps your web page available to the public and therefore available to search engines most of the time. A reliable server is one that works 99.99% of the time.
How does hosting work?
The Netherlands hosting works as a USB stick (Like a storage device). In it, you simply keep your documents and it is useless to contain the information you want. When you want to use the files stored on it you simply connect it to the computer and open the folder of your interest. That is, it stores, just like hosting. In easy words, hosting is limited to saving your site information and when a user wants to see it, the Internet searches for that information on the server that stores it.